Tuesday, June 22, 2010

blogging is not the hot thing any more.. thank goodness. because i need to write my thoughts without being afraid of who might see them.

married life, it doesnt feel much different than before. sure we fight about the dishes, the laundry and bills, but we were doing that before too.
im pregnant so my hormones are off the charts ridiculous! i get irritated by everyone around me so easily. the constant talking and talking over, little side swipes that are harmless but push me off the edge.
i've never felt more poor than i do now. or since i started dating/married life. im terrified of how poor we will be when this baby gets here.
ive realized all family drama is the same, no matter what family you attach yourself too or legally bound yourself too.. they always look at you as young and foolish, we will never live up to their expectations, and little things that we honestly just forgot are enough to shun you out.
im tired of this battle for the parents. im tired of the drama they create.
im terrified of the talks i am going to have with my parents.. each set about the rules surrounding my child. i hate what i hear from each of them and if i can sheild my child from their hatred they spread, i feel that i will save him/her so much future pain.

with each new day, a new hurt opens its wings. a thing so small and beautiful, so innocent and trusting... turns adults into fighting animals, marking territory.
it may be my hormones but my mind and heart cant take soo much emotional stress to go along with physical exhaustion and general stress of when it rains.. it pours.