Monday, July 21, 2008

my summer?

I'm exhausted.
I haven't been thinking in my romantic view of life in a long time.
I don't walk down the streets of toronto and actually look around.
My mind is exhausted with thoughts of school, France, work, moving, money.
My body is feeling jet lagged. Sleep.. there's never enough time.

i'm too tired to enjoy life. i need to organize myself. I need to prioritize my life.. my thoughts.. my future.

is this a career I can handle? i'm thinking about next semester and i'm overwhelmed.
I have never enjoyed thinking about my future but it seems to be the only thing i can think about.

I am lost in the confusion of the word love. or even like. or just time to find a friend.

Tv is consuming me. i can't stand the silence. i need noise. i need to be buzzed out.

I'm losing who i am.. or am i discovering who i am going to be?

a work-a-holic with no time to sleep, socialize or enjoy the silence of the city.

i need a holiday. i need to be in nature.

i want inner peace. relaxation.


prairie spirit said...

we both need a holiday. you need to come to the cottage with me. do you have ANY time off in august?