Monday, July 7, 2008

street lamp in the tree

i was walking down... i forget which street but i noticed a beautiful sight. this tree was old.. big.. strong with large branches and full of leaves. it is a beautiful tree. but what caught my eye wasn't the coarse bark and lushes green leaves. there was a street lamp high into the massive coverings of this gorgeous tree. it was like a spot light. it was beautiful. i wish i could better describe it.
in this city of toronto.. beauty is in the eyes of the onlooker. it could be the ugliest city or the most beautiful. i am a romantic. .. i am a dreamer... i imagine or find beauty in this world... because i choose the world i live in. and i choose to live in beauty. i choose to live in harmony.. between trees and street lights. between flowers and sidewalks. between towering buildings and potted plants. between traffic and candle light bistros - all are the beauties of toronto.