Thursday, April 23, 2009

walking around my neighborhood, with celtic music blasting in my ears, the cold wind sweeping right through my layers, and the sun shimmering off my sunglasses.. what is better than that feeling?
i walked through my grade schools play ground, and laughed at the "hill" i used to be afraid to run down too fast.. all the bad memories i harboured from that school are gone. i walked slowly through the field and twirled in the sun and wind. why hold on? im moving on.. i'm going on adventures and seeing the world God created. what could make me happier? someone to share it with.. maybe.. but then again.. silence.. no words just sounds the wind makes through the grass.. can't be replaced.
i always knew i would go and see the world.. didnt know how it was going to happen but i was going to make sure i did it. im doing it! God is sending me on a wild adventure that is crossing more than just land and sea.. its an adventure of trust in him. to know that where im going is where he wants me to be. that the people im leaving here will still be here when i come back. what better way to be tested than to be thrown out of your comfort zone? lord test me! i'm willing to go wherever you lead me. im excited!